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Connecticut Paid Sick Leave 

By Accounting Resources May 13, 2024

Connecticut Paid Sick Leave 

HB 5005 

On April 25, 2024, the Connecticut State Legislature passed an expansion of the state’s paid sick leave mandate, with potential implications for small businesses. Currently, only employers with more than 50 employees in designated service occupations must provide paid sick leave to employees. The expansion provides that all Connecticut employers provide 40 hours of annual paid sick leave, to accrue at a rate of 1 hour for every 30 hours worked. The bill provides for a phased implementation:

  • Jan. 1, 2025, for employers with 25 or more employees
  • Jan. 1, 2026, for employers with 11 or more employees
  • Jan. 1, 2027, for employers with one or more employees

Seasonal workers, who work fewer than 120 hours per year are exempted. In its current form, employers are not permitted to ask for verifying documentation (for example, a doctor’s note) if employees use this paid sick leave.

Businesses that already provide 40 hours of paid time off in the form of vacation, personal time, or other leave are considered to be in compliance with this regulation.

Next Steps: On May 7, 2024, the CT Senate passed HB 5005 in its current form. Governor Lamont will be signing imminently. For employers, if you currently do not offer at least 40 hours of annual time off, you must begin to think about how to implement this requirement.  In addition, if you have over 25 employees, we suggest that you contact your payroll provider to discuss setting up this accrual for 1/1/25 and also re-visit your existing policies for possible revisions to accommodate this new requirement.

Please contact ARI HR for any questions about HB 5005, setting up your time off structure, and implications for your business.


As this change takes effect, the ARI Human Resources Team is here to help you interpret guidelines and regulations, to review your current polices, revise polices as necessary, and to any questions you may have. If you would like to learn more about how we can help support your business, contact us.

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